Team Germany
Team Germany – the backbone of the grassroots work
Since the workload for our PLACE for STRAYS has grown steadily since our foundation, we couldn’t avoid restructuring ourselves, summarizing subject areas and appointing coordinators. This not only facilitates our communication, shortens decision-making processes and also ensures that the family feeling within the entire team is maintained.
Team Facebook
When we founded our PLACE for STRAYS, we were committed to absolute transparency, among other things. All supporters should always be informed promptly and comprehensively about all happenings on site and the development of our furry friends. This reporting takes place primarily through our external appearances on Facebook and Instagram. While Instagram is managed by our dear Elena alone, the daily Facebook postings are created by Leni, Vivienne, Anne, Sonja, Claudia and Jacqueline.
Team Homepage
As you can see here, we put a lot of effort into our homepage. Laura, Sarah, Laureen and Ulrike create their own profile for each individual dog, which is continuously filled with current information and photos. In this way, the development process of a fur nose from entering the PLACE for STRAYS to their placement can be clearly understood and interested parties can get a good picture of our protégés. All other pages on the homepage that do not have to be permanently updated are maintained by Jacqueline. We hope you have a lot of fun with our work! 🙂
Team Godparentships
We finance our work for the dogs primarily through donations. The sponsorship program and the name auctions after the addition of new fur noses play a major role here. With the donations received here, we can have our protégées cared for by a veterinarian. Daniela, Zoe and Lina ensures that sponsorship and name sponsorship certificates are sent out and that all sponsors receive regular information about their sponsored dogs.
Team adoption contracts / Volunteer program / dog inventory book
We have set up a volunteer program so that our furry friends can be cared for and socialized in the best possible way. Cassandra oversees this program. She accepts the volunteer inquiries, maintains the booking calendar of our mobile home, which is located on the premises of the PLACE for STRAYS, and provides the volunteers with all the information they need.
Every dog we take in that travels to Germany via Traces must be documented in detail in a so-called dog inventory book. This task is in the hands of Marie-Lysann.
If a fur nose has been adopted, Jule takes care of all necessary documents and information of the adopters and draws up the adoption contracts.
Team bookholding an finances
With the establishment of our association and the recognition of the non-profit status, we also have to fulfill some obligations, such as: B. a complete bookkeeping, which leads to an annual financial statement and has to be presented to the tax office. Incoming payments must be booked, invoices paid and receipts carefully filed. This work is in the responsible hands of Jacqueline, Sarah and Katharina.
Team Mediation and Transport
In order to find exactly the right family for each individual fur nose, some information is required. For this purpose, detailed discussions take place between those interested in adoption and our helpers from the placement team. While Elena leads the talks with buyers / inside who want to adopt locally in Portugal, look after Anna and Valentina the buyers / inside in Germany.
Many of our adopters live in Germany, so we send furry friends on the trip with reliable transport partners. Before our protégés can buy their ticket for the “happy bus”, some organizational tasks have to be done. For example, Katja takes care of the booking of the transport boxes, Janina the registration of the SIAC and traces and Lena creates a WhatsApp chat for the adopters, in which she informs them during the trip.
Team Pre-inspection
In addition to the many conversations that are held with those interested in adoption, every adoption is preceded by an obligatory preliminary check. During this pre-inspection, it is checked whether the local, spatial, family and other framework conditions for an attitude appropriate to the fur nose are given. Due to Covid-19, we have been carrying out these preliminary checks online for some time and have had very good experiences with them. Have you adopted a fur nose from us? Then you definitely had contact with Andrea, Lisa-Sophie, Neele, Kristina, Vanessa or Lisa Marie.