
In a lengthy rescue operation by our animal welfare organization PATA ATIVA and SEPNA, it was possible to save a pregnant bitch from having to give birth to her pups on the street. Elena took care of him so that she could give birth to her puppies in peace and on October 25th, 2020 the time had come and Dennis saw the light of day. From the beginning, Dennis received all the care and love a little puppy can get. And so it developed splendidly. When he was fully vaccinated, he was allowed to move into his own dear family, where he now lives healthy and happy.

Medical care

  • 27/11/2020: puppy vaccination
  • 21/12/2020: first regular vaccination
  • 20/01/2021: second regular vaccination
  • 24/01/2021: spot on and deworming
  • 27/01/2021: rabies vaccination