Our philosophy

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Our philosophy

We, the team of people working at the PLACE for STRAYS, share a common attitude. To give you an insight into our philosophy, we have written down our core principles here.

Quality, not quantity

We take full responsibility for every dog ​​we take into the PLACE for STRAYS. Within the manageable space of 25-30 places, we want to ensure optimal support for each dog. We do not see ourselves as a fast-track transit station that rounds up dogs in large numbers, then releases them too quickly and before being socialized; never hearing anything about these animals afterwards.

Rather, we want to socialize the dogs and prepare them for a healthy and happy life. Each dog is assessed individually and nurtured and cared for individually. We are convinced that in doing this, we will pave the way for the dogs and their future families to have a happy future together. Not a single rehomed dog has been returned which encourages us in this approach.

No cooperation with people who promote animal suffering!

We do not work with people who actively contribute to animal suffering. Unfortunately, it is the case that dogs, who do not bring in any more income for their owners or get ill, are usually not cared for and left to their fate! Female dogs are abused for breeding! Puppies are ripped away from their mothers too early and sold on the street!

If we learn of cases of mistreatment, neglect or similar, we always call the police or contact local animal welfare organizations. There is only one way for us to save the animals suffering under these conditions! Under NO circumstances do we return a dog to such owners.

Furthermore, we reject the abortion of already developed puppies. We accept pregnant females, support them at birth, help with the rearing of puppies and find them loving families.


Every dog ​​admitted to the PLACE for STRAYS undergoes a health check which includes a blood test for leishmaniasis, tickbite fever and heart worm. Each dog is dewormed and a parasite defence treatment administered, they are also bathed if necessary.

As soon as possible we have every dog ​​vaccinated and castrated. In this way, we help prevent diseases from spreading and the flood of unwanted dogs is curbed.


Each dog is accommodated in the PLACE for STRAYS according to their individual needs; alone in an enclosure, in quarantine or in a small group with other dogs. In addition to medical considerations, the  careful scrutiny and precise observation of the fur noses in the PLACE for STRAYS plays a special role, as it can avoid fighting and biting amongst the dogs.


At the PLACE for STRAYS, we not only shelter the dogs, but also take care of them and socialize them with love and patience. Play and pats are particularly important here. In order to ensure this, a volunteer program explaining our ethos was introduced – an additional support on-site invaluable to volunteer helpers.

Reliable collaboration partners

Medically, we work successfully together with ALGARVET, the veterinarian whom we trust. We also appreciate the valuable cooperation we have with Pata Ativa, a respected local animal welfare organization, as well as with the local animal protection authority SEPNA and the police GNR. In addition we are collaborating with individuals and smaller private or public organizations that are active in Portuguese animal welfare. We support each other in the rescue and placement of emergencies as well as in the mediation of dogs in finding suitable forever families.

Cost independence

Any dog ​​that is admitted to the PLACE for STRAYS suffering from an illness is treated – regardless of cost. This also applies to dogs who initially, show little chance of recovery. Experience has shown us that most of these critically ill dogs can recover and live a healthy and happy lives. We therefore do not discuss any meaningfulness of commitment or treatment costs. To us every life is worth protecting.

Fur noses that cross the Rainbow Bridge during their stay in the PLACE for STRAYS (which so far seldom been the case) are buried on the grounds of the PLACE for STRAYS

Responsible adoptions

In addition to domestic adoptions, we are distinguished in negotiating adoptions for Germany or further abroad.

Domestic adoptions allow for the dog and prospective owners get to know each other during several local walks and a pre-check is conducted at the home of the interested party before adoption is approved. At any point during the adoption process a trial period can be arranged.

For adoptions abroad, we exchange information about the living conditions of interested parties as well as providing thorough and comprehensive information about the dog. Following this, a pre-inspection of the home of the prospective owner takes place. At this time we discuss in full, diseases, possible problems or items of importance with the potential adopters.

For each pre-check we produce a protocol, in case of an adoption both sides sign an adoption contract.

Post adoption, we continue to support both the people and dogs that have been brought together by the PLACE for STRAYS. We are always on hand with help and advice.


An important principle for our work is transparency, both in our work and finances. On our Facebook page, we post several times a week, information about the dogs and their development. We publish the Facebook group finances on the first or second day of the fallowing month, in a posting, together with all account statements.


All members of our team work on a voluntary basis together on an equal basis and appreciative of each other. The ethos of our work is the philosophy presented here, together with the statutes of the association “Place for Strays – Streunerhlfe i.G.”.